Benessere Aziendale: Il Percorso di Kimoco verso un “Ambiente di Lavoro Prospero e Sostenibile” Nell’attuale panorama aziendale, la salute e il benessere dei dipendenti rappresentano pilastri fondamentali per la creazione…
Lean Production, ovvero Produzione Snella: un sistema di produzione volto ad eliminare gli sprechi. La Lean Production è un’evoluzione progressista della catena di montaggio che mira a migliorare anche la…
The sample book: product of craftsmanship or industry? Producing a sample book is a serial activity nowadays. The increasingly advanced technologies available to the industrial world make the production processes...
Where can error "settle"? An error can sometimes be very costly. In the world of sample collections, even a very small one is enough to undermine the quality of the...
Colour charts: your company story starts here Colour charts are a type of sample book for all types of fabrics, leathers and synthetics. In addition to being an excellent presentation...
A history of Passion and Quality Since 1978, Kimoco has qualified for excellence in the heart of the leather area, in Santa Croce sull'Arno, in the province of Pisa. With...
Kimoco's continuous evolution Kimoco has been a leader in the sample industry for more than 40 years and our way of working is 'constantly evolving' as times and technologies advance....